Monday, August 3, 2009

Photographers Who Inspire Me

Pamela Hanson creates breathtaking stilllifes in black and white. Her photos are extremely emotional and passionate, usually commenting on a relationship between two people.

This photo on the left always makes me want to believe it takes place in the fifties, just because of her dress, the lamp and desk. But it is beautifull juxtaposed by the unlady-like way she is sitting while she applies her makeup, with her significant other watching, nonetheless.

Do you think this photo is raunchy or alluring?

This photo is so passionate there is nothing I can say that will do it justice. I have this photo framed in my room and people often comment that they can't tell whether or not it is a woman kissing a man or a woman. I think the shape of his sholder, the texture of his hair and his eyebrows makes the answer obvious, but maybe she wanted it to be a mystery.

Do you think the artist meant for one of the model's sex to be ambiguous? Or is that just ignorance on the viewer's part?

Nigel Barker took this photo. He is a judge on America's Next Top Model and is great at coercing award winning shots from his subjects. He has a way of interacting with the models he shoots that translates to a certain level of comfort in his photographs.

What comes to mind when you see this model's gaze?

Is it reminescent?

Marilyn Minter influenced my final thesis for Advanced Darkroom my third year at UW-Eau Claire. I love the way her photos seem to mock the fashion and modeling industry. Though her photos seem to mock real advertisements, her main purpose is to instill the idea into her viewer's mind that glamour is all about magic spells and illusory attractiveness. She wants to make it clear that glamour is not a natural condition, but that it involves chemical beauty and requires a lot of hard work and pain. The thing I appreciate most is that she seems to be doing
this is not to glorify or degrade glamour in the fashion industry, just to bring attention to it.

What kind of words/feelings come to mind when you look at these photos?

My attempt at capturing Marilyn Minter's style...

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